We are getting closer to delivering a pump track for Kingussie and would love to hear your views.

The 2018 Kingussie Plan “Our Community… A Way Forward Action Plan” (SEE PLAN HERE) was developed by the community with assistance from Voluntary Action Badenoch and Strathspey.
The provision of a pump track/bike skills park was identified as one of the highest priorities and Cycle Friendly Kingussie, along with Kingussie High School, has agreed to deliver it.
We now have a clear pathway to delivering this project and have secured funding to work with Alan Jones Associates (who have significant experience delivering similar projects across Scotland) to work up a feasibility study, apply for funding and build our community pump track. The first step is to get your views, including on the proposed location. Please take 10 minutes to complete our Survey HERE (SURVEY NOW CLOSED)
Whilst it would be great if everybody could complete the electronic survey, if. you know somebody who does not have access to do that then paper copies are available at Carberfeidh Horizons on Kingussie High Street to where they should be returned.
If you would like to be kept up to date with Cycle Friendly Kingussie developments, including the pump track, please join our mailing list HERE